Ruínas de Conímbriga

Populated since prehistoric times, the site of Conímbriga was occupied by Roman troops in 139 BC. C., becoming then the prosperous capital of the province of Lusitânia. In the following century, during the government of Emperor Augustus, the city grew urbanistically, dating from that time the construction of structures fundamental to the daily life of a Roman city, such as the forum, the amphitheater, and the thermal baths. Later, a three-nave basilica was built in the center of the village.
However, the domestic architecture of Conímbriga, which developed and renewed mainly between the last years of the first century and the beginning of the third century, is notable for the construction of insulae and sumptuous domus. The charm of Conímbriga resides precisely in these houses, which keep in the stone the memories of the splendor of other times.
A unique location in a state of conservation history